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The Custos Foundation

The Custos Foundation is a lay-led charitable foundation dedicated to guarding and fostering Catholic Tradition.
Building a bridge between generous funders and worthy Catholic projects around the world, the Custos Foundation seeks to contribute in a particular way to the growth and expansion of Catholic liturgy and life, educational efforts aimed at a renewal of Catholic thought and a Christian social order, and other fruitful initiatives.

the Custos Foundation

The Custos Foundation is a lay-led charitable foundation dedicated to guarding and fostering Catholic Tradition.
Building a bridge between generous funders and worthy Catholic projects around the world, the Custos Foundation seeks to contribute in a particular way to the growth and expansion of Catholic liturgy and life, educational efforts aimed at a renewal of Catholic thought and a Christian social order, and other fruitful initiatives.

The Name ‘CUSTOS’

The Custos Foundation (pronounced koos-tohs) takes its name from the Litany of St Joseph, where the Spouse of Mary and foster-father of Jesus Christ is twice invoked under the title of “Custos”: Custos pudice Virginis, ora pro nobis … Custos virginum, ora pro nobis. [Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for us … Guardian of virgins, pray for us.]
Founded in the Year of St Joseph (December 8, 2020 – December 8, 2021), the Custos Foundation supports projects that shine by their integrity of faith and potential for supernatural fruitfulness. In imitation of St Joseph, the foundation seeks particularly to serve those who are vulnerable and in need of a custos.

The Name ‘CUSTOS’

The Custos Foundation (pronounced koos-tohs) takes its name from the Litany of St Joseph, where the Spouse of Mary and foster-father of Jesus Christ is twice invoked under the title of “Custos”: Custos pudice Virginis, ora pro nobis … Custos virginum, ora pro nobis. [Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for us … Guardian of virgins, pray for us.]
Founded in the Year of St Joseph (December 8, 2020 – December 8, 2021), the Custos Foundation supports projects that shine by their integrity of faith and potential for supernatural fruitfulness. In imitation of St Joseph, the foundation seeks particularly to serve those who are vulnerable and in need of a custos.

“I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to this glorious saint, for I have great experience of the blessings which he can obtain from God.”

St Teresa of Avila

“I wish I could persuade everyone to be devoted to this glorious saint, for I have great experience of the blessings which he can obtain from God.”

St Teresa of Avila

Why Custos

In the face of today’s crisis in the Catholic Church, many of the faithful wish to direct their charitable contributions to worthy causes within the Church that will bear lasting fruit. By identifying, vetting, and seeing such projects to completion, the Custos Foundation aims to be an effective mediator between benefactors and such endeavors so that the Church’s living Tradition can flourish, even during these challenging times.

Why Custos

In the face of today’s crisis in the Catholic Church, many of the faithful wish to direct their charitable contributions to worthy causes within the Church that will bear lasting fruit. By identifying, vetting, and seeing such projects to completion, the Custos Foundation aims to be an effective mediator between benefactors and such endeavors so that the Church’s living Tradition can flourish, even during these challenging times.

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